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To our 79th veterans,

     This website is dedicated to you, the veterans of the 79th Battalion, U.S. Navy Seabees - our sons, fathers, husbands and brothers - who gave so freely of yourselves to protect our great nation in the South Pacific during World War II. 

          We are so proud of your service to the United States.  It is because of your service and devotion that we are able to enjoy this great country and our freedom today.  For us, your sons and daughters, you were our childhood heroes and we knew that, whatever the fear and instability of those early years after the war ended, you would always protect us from the evils of the world.  You brought us through the most frightening early days of the Cold War when the nuclear threat was so close, through the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the turbulent years of the civil unrest in the 60's that overshadowed and consumed our lives.  Without realizing it all those years, you were our teachers in school, our church Pastors, and many other people so much a part of our young lives.  And you never asked for anything after the war ended except to rebuild your own lives and make a better one for us.  For the service and sacrifice that you gave in World War II, we say "Thank you!"

                                                    - From
                                                         Families of the 79th -

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